A commitment to Safety, innovation and sustainability

Phoenix Fire testing & Certification is a pioneering firm that merges sustainable new building materials with high performance building demands.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

Carbon Change

Globally, the built environment is responsible for 39% of CO2 emissions and 30% of the world’s waste. Phoenix was founded to improve this. We work to develop carbon negative and carbon neutral construction materials as a form of Carbon Capture and Utilisation, with circularity at the core.

Innovation & Initiative

To maximize our impact, we are making available our IP & patented technology to product manufacturers across the world.

Architectural Solutions

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Phoenix Architectural Solutions

Testing Experience

Developed over many years and with our partners we can find solutions to the most demanding of building performance criteria

Project Management

Introducing our low carbon solutions to your performance demands

Licensing For Impact

We licence our technology, working with global construction product manufacturers to maximise our impact, addressing the climate emergency urgently and effectively. Partnerships and collaboration unlock ecological and economic impact for all.

A new holistic way of manufacturing

A carbon revolution requires a carbon industrial ecosystem that considers and readdresses waste streams, inputs and outputs at every level. We consider it’s no longer acceptable to simply take finite resources and emit CO2 for profit. Instead, consider and implement how to take less, absorb CO2 and puts back what is taken.